Wednesday, January 30, 2008



Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Be careful Catzee! You don't want to end up in there!

Renee Nefe said...

Hummm I wonder what that is???

I hear the beans use those to wash their removable fur. I can't see how it could do as good of a job as a kitty tongue though.


Careful Catzee you might end up getting wet in there...


Tybalt said...

Don't go in there, Catzee! It's wet!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

I have often wandered in to take a look in there. I wonder what would happen if I jumped in?

The Crew said...

Catzee dear, be careful up there!!

Your friend

PB 'n J said...

Uh oh Catzee, what did you find?

Sharon said...

Oh Catzee, Charlie says to be careful of appliances. He snuck into the refrigerator last night and no could figure out where the yowling was coming from. He was very scared - appliances aren't for kitties.

Just Ducky said...

Don't go in there!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

It is okay to look in der but don't fall asleep in da laundry room sink or yoo will get wet wif soapy water and den mom will put yoo in da shower and spray it off and yoo will get wetted twice!~Sadie

Jan Price said...

Hey, How is Rascal? We tried his link several times and his blog can't be found. Is he okay?

jans funny farm

Lux said...

Whatcha doin', Catzee? I think water goes inside there!

Jan Price said...

Oh, here's our comment. We couldn't find it and left a new one on another post. We tried later and Rascal's blog is back from wherever it was hiding.

We'll keep checking back on him.

Jans funny farm

Sharon said...

Hey, Catzee - are you looking in their for Rascal? Charlie is wondering where he went too - hope he's healing and feeling well

Rick said...

If that cat only knew how close he was to having a whirlpool bath!