Friday, August 01, 2008


I'm lookin'......

....... fur more bugs.

A'cuz I'm furry good at it.


LZ said...

I can tell you are very good at bug hunting!


Renee Nefe said...

could you please come to our house and kill all our bugs? Lilly just plays with the bugs and lets them get away.

Anonymous said...

Did you see any?

The Crew said...

Oh Catzee, I like bugs too. I can come over and help you look for some!

Your friend

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Did find any invisible ones? I like those the bestest!!!


Lux said...

I hope you found some, Catzee!

Renee Nefe said...

Darly would LOVE it if you came over and hid in her new desk. She says her favorite part is the roll top. I should get one of her stuffed kitties to hide in there one day when she's not looking.