This is me an' Mom, an' Me gettin' a drink. I know how to do this 'cuz I seen
Rascal do it an' now it's my turn.

First Mom pours the water into the tub.

Then I go get it.

But I gotta be careful 'cuz it's wet in there.

I look in the cup but there's nothin' but water in there.

Then I see there's water here too. An' it's movin'!

So I follow it.

An' then it disappears. I wunner where it goes?
This is so cute. I'll get KC to post it tomorrow on the CB...
why don't you submit both to Weekend Cat Blogging and Carnival of the Cats. Lots of folks would enjoy this.
If you need help, just email. Also, there are instructions on WCB now at CB. Acronyms rule!
I wonder if it's magic?
That's a neat trick - we's got to try that!
Darly says: isn't it strange how it just goes down?
Thanks for letting us know you posted.
Ooh, Catzee, you're courageous! You won't catch me within ten feet of a bathtub!
Very instructional, Catzee! Thanks for sharing.
Wow, that's very cool! Looks like fun!
Catzee your a very brave kitty. I stay clear of the bathtub.
Itz a misteree, ware duz dat water go? If yoo figur it owt let me know, cuz I be ponderin dat misteree fur awile now...~Sadie
Oooo how did yu like dat wet stuffs on yur paws? I runs when I get a drop on water on me!
Oh, but you nefur drank any! I fink it goes back in the pipes to come out the faucet again.
wow Catzee, you're brave. I am not a fan of being wet, even if it is just my paws. It is so cute how you learn from Rascal so fast! You're a smart girl!
I haf often wunnered wheer the water goes too. I like water an often sit in the baff and play wiv it. When the beans haf baffs I like to get in wiv them. I yooshully lie on them wiv my paws and tale floating in the nice warm water.
I don't mind going into the tub after the water has gone down. I little wet on my paws is OK. I drink up some of the leftovers.
you haf a magic tub!
So Catzee... where does the water go :)? You are a very cute little cat.
That is so funny!!! I watch Mom every morning next to the bathroom sink when she has the water running, I love to watch it. But I'm to afraid to get in! You are so brave. Tara
Culd yoo luk any cuter in the peeple tub, Catzee!?!
I gots yore link too in the WCB, Catzee. Bad spam comment thing tried to eet your comment. I beated it up tho. hehehe
Gracie likes to drink water in the tub, too!
You are just too cute. Maybe you should haf played a game of tub soccer while you were in there.
Hahaha....this is even cuter! Cute Overload! Great pictures!
oooh - a drain. I could stare down the drain fur a long time...and I do.
Oh wow, that looks like fun! I usually just go check it out after the People are done getting all wet (crazy!). Water in the tub is ALWAYS tasty!
Where'd it go, Catzee? Did you find it? Where? Where?
Meowm fills that big thing up for me to drink out of.....course she gets in it too!
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